Sunday, October 11, 2009

BP5 2009102 - Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Tools

Ronin,, is a web based invoicing software that I could use with the special education students that run the Snack Shack. The Snack Shack sells snacks to students and faculty in the morning and again during lunch.  However, the faculty is often billed for their breakfast purchases monthly.  This software could help assist with the billing process.  Which to date, is a pen and paper process.   The Snack Shack does not have a cash register just a till.  I would use this software to teach the students alpha/numeric data entry skills, invoicing and some light accounting skills. One of the great things about Ronin (beside the fact that it is user friendly) is that it can be accessed from any computer anywhere.  All the student will need is a laptop or a desktop with Internet connection.  This web based software would allow the Snack Shack to invoice patrons via email and it would make it easier for the students to track accounts that are delinquent.

Once the software has been approved for purchase, I would first train the teachers that work at the Snack Shack  and then I would train the students on how to use Ronin.  I would follow up with additional training as needed.

Logo graphic obtained from

1 comment:

  1. Great! I would love to hear how this works and how your students respond to it:)


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