Sunday, October 18, 2009

BP8 2009102 Researching and Blogging about Web 20 Tools

Blabberize allows digital pictures to be animated to talk (blabber). I can use this in the classroom with middle and high school students. The student can take still pictures of people or animals and then create a story allowing the animal or person that have been blabberized to tell the story. Blabberize can also be used for a debate between to people or politicians for example.  To use blabberize, upload a picture to the site, then place the mouth over the mouth of the picture and adjust to include the chin area. If the computer does not have a built in mic, a headset with a boom mic will be needed for voice recording. One the voice recording is complete. Select the play button and the picture will talk. Blabberized pictures can be placed in PowerPoint slides for presentation.

Blabberize logo retrieved from

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